Population Density of Bangladesh with Spatial Density Map

Population density of Bangladesh Population density is a measurement of the number of people in an area. It is an average number. Population density is calculated by dividing the number of people by area. Population density is usually shown as the number of people per square kilometer. Bangladesh has the highest population density among large countries, 1,237.51 persons per square kilometer, and 12th overall, when small countries and city-states are included (Source: CIA world Fact Book: 2012) Sustained population growth has pushed the population density from 290 to 1237 people per square kilometer between 1950 and 2012. Population tripled during this period from 42 million to 149 million. Bangladesh's high population density is prevalent across the nation except in the mountainous Hill Tracts in the Southeast, the Sundarbans mangrove forests in the Southwest, and to a lesser degree the Sylhet area in the Northeast corner. Due to huge population size, the density o...